Seeds of Regrowth – Shasta County Wildfire Recovery 2018-2019
ART from the ashes Exhibitions and Community Programming
“There is nothing left.” These are devastating words heard after a wildfire. ART from the ashes endeavors to take “the nothing” and turn it into something that can bring people together to create, inspire and aid in the healing process.
Reclaimed materials from fire site locations serve as the catalyst for the creation of art. Twisted metal, glass, ash, wood, charcoal, hardware and found objects are transformed into ceramics, sculpture, paintings, mixed media and more through each artist’s unique creative vision. These art pieces chronicle a specific time and space, and they tell the story of the place that they came from. The creative process for the art mirrors the transformation of the community and wildfire-damaged land as they come together, rebuild and thrive. To date 1000+ works of art have been created from “the nothing”.
AFTA works with a cross-section of the community to formulate the type of arts programming that will resonate. Artists, local organizations, volunteers, sponsors and supporters donate time, talent and resources to bring each recovery effort to life. AFTA facilitates the gathering of materials from our site partners, the storage and distribution of the materials to artists, as well as the management, production and marketing of the relief effort. AFTA site-specific installations, art exhibitions and programming encourage traffic and commerce to the community and fundraising opportunities for our partners. Our experiential spaces and events provide a place for residents to gather and share in the healing process.
In addition to wildfire relief work in our home state of California, AFTA has answered calls to action in Texas to initiate a traveling exhibition after the Bastrop County Complex Fire, on the eastern seaboard following Hurricane Sandy and we activated remotely to raise funds for Japan Society in support of the recovery from the Tohoku, Japan earthquake and tsunami.
Countless numbers of volunteers and contributors have come together to make difference under the AFTA creative umbrella. Communities have experienced the catharsis of art and its ability to lift the spirit, connect, and inspire.
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” ~ Henry David Thoreau